Sunday school Teachers Course Modular


The Sunday School Ministry is one of the most important ministries in any church. The Bible advised in Proverbs 22 v 6, “Train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he (she) is old he (she) will not depart from it” This is where discipleship begins therefore Sunday School teacher should be trained and equipped for this important role. We are further advised in Matt 28 v 19 to “Go into all the world and make disciples of all people …regardless of age, creed, sexuality, socio-economic and political status

The importance of the Sunday School ministry in every church cannot be over emphasised as children are at their formative years when their minds can be moulded towards making the right choices and the decision to be disciples of Christ when they are of an accountable age. 

 Learning Outcomes

  • Assist teachers develop their skills and acquire new skills 

  • Help teachers to examine new teaching methods 

  • Provide a safe environment for exploration of role and development 

  • Acquire new knowledge and understanding of this special ministry 

  • Provide a taster of systematic theology. 

  • Promote excellence in ministry 

  • To introduce the process of evaluation for each teach 

Admissions Criteria

Sunday school Teachers recommended by their Pastor;

Believers who have the call and anointing to become a Sunday teacher;

Those with a desire to improve their delivery and learn new skills; 

Those with a quest for new knowledge and understanding of their ministry role. 


8 October 2021

Programme Outline 

Module 1

Week 1 - The importance of a Sunday School Ministry 

Week 2 - Individuals’ Personal identity, their call, preparation and vision for this ministry 

Week 3 - Child development theories 

Week 4 - Child development theories 

Week 5 - Personality development and characteristics unique to age groups 

Week 6 - Personality development and Characteristics unique to a particular age group 

Week 7 - Concise overview of the Old & New Testament 

Week 8 - Introduction to Systematic Theology -Main Themes of the Bible & Key Doctrines 

Week 9 - Introduction to Systematic Theology -Main Themes of the Bible & Key Doctrines 

Week 10 - Lesson planning - (starter, development, main activity and plenary) Long, medium and short term in line with the agreed curriculum 

Module 2

Week 1 - Key roles and functions of the Sunday School teacher 

Week 2 - Essential skills of an effective and productive Sunday School Teacher 

Week 3 - Communication Skills 

Week 4 - Effective Use of Multi Media  

Week 5 - Facilitating Effective Small Group Work 

Week 6 - Identifying appropriate teaching material by Age group 

Week 7 - Innovative Approaches to Story - telling

Week 8 - Methods of delivery and Assessing Outcomes 

Week 9 - Developing a National Vision Statement & a National Curriculum  

Week 10 - Developing a National Vision Statement & a National Curriculum

Module 2

Week 1 - Faith Formation & Discipleship approaches 

Week 2 - Working with children with a) additional needs, b)  very able children - stretch @ challenge.

Week 3 - Identifying abnormal behaviour in children

Week 4 - Properties of Youth & Gang cultures  

Week 5 - Identifying essential Sunday school policies e.g. discipline, complaint, ratio of teachers to children, recruitment, dealing with emergencies, safeguarding Health & Safety etc.; 

Week 6 - Teaching Environment conducive to learning and retention of SC children; Resources required for a productive Sunday school  

Week 7 - Recruitment, Selection criteria for Sunday school teachers

Week 8 - Ministry pathway & retention of SS teachers 

Week 9 - Process for establishing a new Sunday School 

Week 10 - Promoting excellence in ministry Evaluation of teachers